7th Asia Pacific Harmonica Festival.
International Conference of Education and Innovation October
28th 2008. 7th Asia Pacific Harmonica festival November 1th-
4th 2008
Random impressions: Excellent organisation. Full
availability. Top professionality. Warm Welcome. 57 teachers
and 50 volunteers led by Mrs Cui Xia (Organizer of
international events, Chair of the Festival, Director of the
school, designer of fashion dress): never tired, always
smiling and able to solve issues in the best way.Everywhere
Refinement and Elegance. Thousands of people arrived by
several countries have shared 4 days of holidays. The Joy of
the childrens and their disarming smile have given to all a
great fund of optimism. The city of Hanzghou was visited by
Marco Polo. After that he looked at the West Lake he
described it in this way: This is the hearth Paradise. The
population of Hanzghou is very kind and helpful with
tourists. The region of Zehjiang is very active, there are
industries, development and research and is richful with
nice places to visit. Giovanni Volini